Mr. Bump
Te Whanganui-a-tara, Aotearoa

Mr. Bump - what a peculiar name, some might say. But perhaps not so peculiar for someone with a predisposition for bumping into things and having little accidents. For instance, Mr. Bump has bumped into various pseudonyms along his way like Flex, Hypa and Steezie Wonder, until the correct one bumped him right in the face. Mr. Bump has bumped tunes together at many a rave, both indoor and out. Counting the years he has done this would be like counting the number of stars circling his dizzy head! In his studio expeditions, Mr. Bump has been known to break things too. For instance, sometimes he lays breakbeats on tracks or breaks up renowned songs and refixes them in his distinct style. These musical mishaps usually end up with people bumping around on the dancefloor. Mr. Bump has even rumbled in certain competitions for who could break out the baddest beats. Would he be called Mr. Bump if he didn't bump off his competitors and prevail as champion? I think not. Mr. Bumps’ propensity for accidents only adds to his performance value. For instance, he once bumped his head on the DJ mixer while dropping a fresh dubplate. Did that deter Mr. Bump? Quite the contrary! Bleeding profusely, he continued to play until someone patched him up. Now you know why Mr. Bump has those bandages around his head! Now lastly, a certain elephant in the room needs addressing. There are many reasons why Mr. Bump is indeed called Mr. Bump but a drug reference is not one of them. Because kids... drugs are bad. Mr. Bump condones nothing of the snort!