Get Involved

We need your help! A major focus of this event and something that our crew has in its sights every step of the way is COMMUNITY.

This festival is made up of the contributions from hundreds of individuals who have made it all possible and we are deeply thankfull for every single person who has put in the mahi to steer this crazy ship. Together we have honed this event for nine years now and each year with the support of our wider Twisted whānau, it grows, matures, blossoms and develops into something new, What a wild ride it has been, we cant wait to see where this journey takes us next. Without you all getting involved and doing your bit to keep the ship sailing on course it would not be possible so THANKYOU. Regardless of your passion or skill set there will be somewhere in the festival where you can get amongst and share it with us all, Check out the options below and join the team!

We are a friendly bunch and love to welcome new crew members into the fold, just fill out your details below and let us know a little about yourself. We are always looking for keen people with building/rigging/festival production skills to come and join us onsite for 2-6 weeks over the whole setup, party, packdown process or for essential folks to take on core roles during the event itself. We are also keen to hear from anyone that has skills that might be useful during the event - This could be stage management, parking, driving, cooking, coffee making or general hospo steeze. Make sure you let us know if you have previous experience crewing with festivals and if so which ones. Payment: This is always handled on a case-by-case basis, You can work for your entry or we can arrange a wage depending on what you are bringing to the table. We look after each other during the setup and packdown with lots of yummy food and good times, come get amongst it!

At Twisted Frequency we embrace all shapes and flavours of music, While we have a consistent roster of huge international/NZ acts, It has been a long standing rule for us to do our best to provide a platform for up coming artists and give them a chance to connect with a new audience. Whether you are fresh as or an established musician we would love to hear what you have to offer! Please fill out the info below to let us know a little bit about yourself and your act. You’ll need to have some good quality photos and your artist bio at hand, so get everything together and set some time aside to fill out all the information fields to give your application the best chance of success. Unfortunately due to the overwhelming number of applications we receive every year, we aren’t able to get back to everyone but we will be in touch if we think there could be a spot for you at the festival.

Must be between 720x720 and 4000x4000

Visual installations are a huge part of what we do at Twisted, Every year our VJ team grows and we want to provide opportunities for visual artists to bring their unique styles, let us know below if you would like to bring your pixels to the festival!

Must be between 720x720 and 4000x4000

Circo arts has always held a firm place in the experience of Twisted Frequency. Every year we have a tonne of talented flowmies lighting up the night and dazzling folks with their sick skills through the daytime aswell. If you are keen to bring a roaming act/performance to the event, please get in touch.

We welcome any and all arts/crafts/fashion or products as long as they can adhere to our one rule: NO CHEAP PLASTIC CRAP! We prefer to host stalls that are selling sustainable products where possible. There is no charge for bringing a stall, we want to make it as easy and profitable as possible for small business/artisans and creatives to share their wares. All we ask is that each stall holder and their staff/team members purchases a ticket to the festival. Let us know a little about your stall and what you'd like to do.

Psy-Care provides a calm and secure space for festival goers who are overwhelmed or struggling during the event, as well as providing access to information and resources for safer partying. As a volunteer, you'll be providing support and being there for those who need it, as well as sharing information and having conversations about harm reduction, helping make our events safer and more enjoyable for everyone. Psy-Care are not currently taking applications for Twisted Frequency 2025.

Please visit our FAQ page to check out questions first then get in contact with us :) It might also help to check out our news / updates.

Volunteers are literally the wheels that keep this machine moving! We are so deeply grateful for every one of the folks that takes the time and care to help make this thing run smoothly. We need help with all sorts but spots are limited so get in quick to secure your place in the team. Volunteering is a great way to meet some peeps and make some new friends at the festival. Get amongst it! As a volunteer, you are required to pay for your ticket to the event. You will be reimbursed for your ticket cost after the festival, provided you attend ALL of your rostered shifts. That's the deal, simple as. If you're keen to join the team and help us out, there are lots of jobs that we will need help with during and after the event, here are some examples of some of the things we need help with: During the event:

  • Monitoring the recycling stations - help keeping our event as sustainable as possible.
  • Maintaining our fantastic toilets.
  • Helping other festival goers at the info tent.
  • Traffic Management.
  • Gate/Welcoming committee
  • Join our "Twisted Kitchen Team", a Twisted run food stall ensuring kai is available all day and night. You will need to have some kitchen experience to take on this role. We are also on the hunt for baristas to man our dancefloor coffee stalls this year so if you have the skills to pump out mean cuppas then let us know!

After the event:

  • Conducting a thorough site inspection to make sure that we leave the land as we found it.
  • Recycling, dismantling and packing down the festival.

We host a wide range of workshops at Twisted and are always looking for speakers on all sorts of topics as well as hands on lessons in unique crafts/circus art teachers. If you have some knowledge or skills you would like to share then let us know what you would like to contribute!

Art is a huge part of what this festival is about and has always been a core aspect of what sets us apart from other events, every year we invite creatives from a wide range of disciplines to bring new colours and shapes to the Cobb Valley. We are currently looking for painters, sculptures, and other creative peeps who would be keen to exhibit their art this Twisted in our gallery space and throughout the site. There will be plenty of spots available within the gallery tent, and we ask that each artist takes on a couple of shifts as curator, managing the space and this way you can be present to talk to someone if they are interested in purchasing some art! Been looking for the motivation to complete that piece you've had to the side for a while now? Pumped to collaborate and network with other artists in the community? Send through some links to examples of your work along with a bit about yourself. We are also always on the hunt for live painters/Graffiti/Mural artists to paint live and in person during the event, if you're interested in submitting for a spot in the gallery space or a spot on our live art team. Send us some examples of your work and some info about you as an artist. Installation artists apply below! If you have an existing installation OR have an exciting idea for something you would like to do and just need someone to back it and a place for it to be appreciated, Let us know, we want to hear from you!

We are looking for people to join our photography / videography team to capture this year’s event!

Let us know a little about your stall and what you'd like to do. Please note, we do have some conditions for food vendors: ALL single use cutlery, plates and cups need to be COMPOSTABLE (not just biodegradable). If you want help transitioning to using compostable items then we can help you find the way. We try to avoid over stocking on the same types of food, so we need to know exactly what you're wanting to sell - this is to make sure that all vendors that come have a fair chance at making it worth their while. We will be strictly enforcing this, so make sure you talk to us and understand before organising your stall. Kai is the fuel that keeps people safely partying through the night and we encourage stalls to be open late where possible. What does it cost? Prior to accepting your application we will negotiate an exchange of credit at your stall which will be redeemed via vouchers for the crew and artists during the event. If this credit isn't redeemed we will ask that you pay the remaining difference. This depends on what you are selling, so it is a case-by-case basis. If you prefer to negotiate a site fee to keep things simple for you, we may consider this, however we need to have help with meal vouchers for crew and artists and have found that vendors find this approach suitable.

Festival Entry Costs + Helpers

Stall owners and any helpers need to purchase tickets (we've found it the simplest way to handle this). What is provided? We provide water and electricity, Please note, Some stalls that require larger amounts of power will need to chip in for generator fuel depending on their usage.

© 2023 Twisted Frequency