Aotearoa New Zealand


Bad Taste is the brainchild of esteemed turntablist/beatmaker extraordinaire ALPHABETHEAD and multi-disciplinary lyricist YOUNG GHO$T. This duo's sound has been described as a form of 'psychedelic hip hop', with Alphabethead's production leaning heavily on sampling, and Young Gho$t's vocal delivery drawing inspiration from ""stream-of-consciousness"" style writing. In 2021, they released their self-titled debut to critical acclaim across the board, including a nomination for ""best album"" at the SRN Music Awards, garnering support from radio stations and journalists across the country. They launched their follow-up, ""Bad Taste II"" in June this year, followed by a sold out countrywide tour. The pair made their first appearance at Twisted Frequency in 2021, and they're coming back to do it again - make sure you have some water at the ready to wash this bad taste out of your mouth!

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