In order for everyone to best enjoy themselves safely Twisted, we ask that you inform yourself surrounding consent. Ask every time. Listen every time. And respect the answer every time.
It is up to all of us to check ourselves and our mates. If you feel unsafe, need to talk to someone, or see something that worries you, Ngā Kaitiaki Consent Guardians will be roaming in green hi-vis for the duration of the party. Please approach them with any concerns, whether for yourself or others.
Consent can only be given in a clear and sober mindstate. Someone under the influence cannot give consent. Consent cannot be given if someone is presenting with possible adverse effects from being under the influence short OR longer term (i.e psychosis, mania). Having been involved with someone sexually or romantically in the past does not assume consent. Consent is checking in with a person and respecting their right to change their mind at ANY stage. If it’s not an enthusiastic YES from both parties, it’s a no. Consent is not the absence of a no, nor is it a challenge.
Consent is taking note of what people’s body language is saying and respecting their space and social cues. If someone is moving back or turning away from you, they are doing so for a reason, please respect that. This is relevant to all interactions (i.e. not just sexual contact). Please remember to ask before going in for a hug, or starting a heavy conversation.
If you witness any form of coercion or abuse, please report it to Ngā Kaitiaki or Twisted Crew immediately. Anyone found to be seriously breaching consent will be expelled immediately from Twisted Frequency Festival to ensure the safety of everyone onsite.
Every party goer is responsible for upholding consent culture. The same expectations and consequences outlined above are upheld for ticket holders, volunteers, crew, outsourced organisations, and friends and family.
Do your bit, and respect the answer. Consent is key!